by Yevgen Yasynskyy
In the News
Opinion: Effect of COVID on Distance Education
Basics of Accessible Word Documents
Animation Videos - Worth a Try
Visual Learning: Infographics in Education
(Re)Designing online courses: process that works
Wiki Time - Many Creative Uses
Authentic Assessment
Use of Questionnaire and Feedback activities in Moodle
Starting to Write an Online Course
Lets Talk about Components of the Course
Blogs in Online Classroom
Plagiarism: Helping Students to Write with TurnItIn
Quiz - Good Old Pal, What He Can Do...
Verbs - Helping you to Write Learning Outcomes
Assignment DropBoxes - Knowing What You Can Do.
Using Synchronous Chats in Your Courses
Word Clouds - Visualization of Key Terms
Using Forums in Course Design
e-Learning vs. m-Learning
Technology in Education - Race to Catch Up